Monday, February 25, 2008

Caught by the Flu

I am down for the count here....mostly in bed. This is weird....I started out with a bad cough, general aching and weakness, coughed all day Sat and Sun (did sleep almost all day), then Sunday night the stuffy head descended on me. In the midst of all that at 4 am today, violent stomach pains brought throwing up and diarrhea.....not so hindsight, I think LM has had this during his recovery from the surgery. Even down to the feeling that our skin was crawling and painful to the touch....I will survive but it does not help the general depressed feeling I have.
Anyway, LM is doing fairly well and calling often. He feels so terrible that he cannot be of help to me right now. He seems to have one good day and then one slow day. Predictable, I guess.
I really miss our laughing, loving and sharing the adventures of each day. I feel selfish even saying that. He has been through so so much and has such a challenge ahead.
Hopefully, I can work tomorrow. It keeps my mind busy.
Back to bed...

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