Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Caught by a cold, or some weird affliction which began with a seriously painful persisting sore throat. This morning, the struggle to decide whether to go to work or stay home is over. I need to lay my head down. Swollen glands, headache, overall achy, etc.

I have my little gray nurse to care for me and LM is checking by phone as we certainly do not want this spread to Bob, although I was with him on Sunday....scary thought. He is so frail. Ice and sleet falling from the sky this morning and it is a dark and dreary day...time to rest for me.

I'll be back soon! Wishing wellness to you all!!


One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Get well soon wishes being sent your way. You know all the right things to do. Stay inside, fluids and rest.

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