Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday....Too Early....Rambling

Way too early to be out of bed on a Saturday morning when LM is actually in my house and Ms G totally agrees. Her two "heaters" dared to disturb her purrfect nest in the covers. Alas, there is money to be made (conveniently, a car to be delivered to Quincy not too far from Dad's place), Dad to be visited, a birthday cake to be delivered and many other fun things.
Here, I sit, a half-eaten bowl of Cheerios and a cold cat next to the computer, waiting for LM to finish his shower. The minute we leave, Ms G will climb back into the bed, warmed now by an electric blanket, just for her. What a life!

Today is the anniversary of *JFK's assassination. This date is indelible in my memory. I was a very young mother in those days; Anne was 5 months old and I remember the week following so well, as my husband and I lived in front of the little TV at my mother & father's house, surrounded by other family, mesmerized by the horror, and sobbing as we watched the events following JFK's untimely death unfold. My mother cooking and presenting her delicious food as salve, for she knew not what else to do. Just like now, as Obama is about to take office, we had so much hope and faith in our government, at least I did. I remember vividly, holding my daughter so close to me as I rocked in the big chair and cried, crying which I thought would never stop. We were all crying! For days! Thus today, the memories of those years when JFK was president, and how I felt at 20 yrs old, are fresh in my is now a nice memory and freshened by the hope I feel with the new presidency about to start.

As an aside about JFK. When I was 15, I was given an amazing opportunity for a very sheltered farm girl from rural MA. A friend from HS, was the daughter of parents (my friend lived with her grandparents in my town during her HS years, while her parents were out of the country) who served in the US Foreign Service as Consul Generals to many Middle Eastern countries. Over the summer of 1959, they were in the Washington area and invited me to spend the entire summer in DC as their guest. They took me everywhere and into the workings of our government - inside the State Department, the White House, the Treasury, also to theater, and to see all the memorials and other sights in the area. It really is a most incredible part of my life. My friend and I got to sit in on State dinners and to help her parents entertain many dignitaries. During the course of that summer, they took me to see JFK address the US Senate as the Jr Senator from MA and then to meet this awesome man. That was a privilege!!! Thank you Lynne Atherton, wherever you are!!! I would sure love to find you.

*The news of JFK's shooting came to me as I sat nursing Anne, and watching "As the World Turns" at my little house on Canal St in Green Harbor, MA. Nancy Hughes was in her kitchen talking to Grampa Hughes when the news broke in. I can remember that horror so clearly, and Walter Cronkite's cracking voice throughout that week. I called my mother and then packed Anne in the car and drove the 30 minutes to my mother's to feel the comfort of family. My husband joined us as soon as he could.

Time to hit the road!!!

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