Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Healing Light

The flu continues to hold me tightly in its grips here, and if not for a 15 minutes-long coughing spasm that left me breathless, heart racing and scared at 11:30 pm, I would have hissed hearing all the cheering and the fireworks go off at midnight. Prior to that I'd been dead-asleep, as yesterday was a pretty sick day. This plague spread north into my head, making my eyes almost impossible to open and my nose ache from blowing, plus my entire body hurts from coughing.
Well, anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR. 2014 is going to be wonderful, and as we brace for a snowstorm coming our way, I've just managed to finally get up and take myself a cup of Earl Gray and some cold home made applesauce (feels so good on my sore throat) into my sitting room. Raising the drawn shades, bright sunshine lit the room, and as I sat down in my chair with direct eye shot of the sun, the rays hit my Eleuthera, Bahamas cobalt blue sun catcher and it beamed me directly to my daughter, Anne's place of paradise where LM and I will spend considerable time in March. Ahhhhhh, healing has commenced.

The "Other Pineapple Island" sent me hope.....

I send it along to all of you this morning, and hope to return in a less addled state soon.


Balisha said...

I hope you feel better soon. I know just how you are feeling and it's "pigeon poop."
Enjoy your tea and applesauce and keep warm...we are experiencing the snow that is coming your way...
Happy New Year.

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Stay warm, quiet and still..