Today he is going to have tubes put in his ears to hopefully stop the spate of ear infections he's had over the past months. Wish we could get to the core of the problem. My theory is allergies of some sort but that remains to be proven. It is a great frustration for many parents.
Here's hoping the tubes are successful.
Otherwise, we are having such a lovely Fall and that means we are one month from the trip to FL. It is getting more and more exciting. Lots to do beforehand but that is fun, too.
Back to taking out my winter clothes...my project du jour.
What a cutie Teddy is. Those ear tubes did the trick for our Mark, 24 years ago. He's 6'7" now and healthy, but he had smallish eustasian tubes then...and every cold went to his ears. I'll bet the procedure works even better all these years later.
Thank you Janet. I feel a lot better about it...the procedure only takes a few minutes, I hear. Parents are nervous! Nana, too.
We never had to put tubes in Madison's ears, but she still has lots of ear aches, perhaps she needs tubes, but her doctor doesn't think so. ...debbie
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