Friday, October 30, 2009
Today is a fun party at work - a combination of TGIF and Halloween. We've all brought things and the aromas from our kitchen are harbingers of some delicious treats. Tonight it is off to a pedicure for me, and tomorrow will find Sara, Samantha and I visiting baby Teddy and parents! Really looking forward to that time together. A beautiful day is on tap and we hope to walk along the canal and enjoy some sunshine.
Sunday is the last day off before we leave so I have to finish packing, and buy one more gift. Sunday afternoon and evening will be spent with friend, Sue as she is having an early Thanksgiving celebration at her house for her closest friends. I am privileged to be on the invite list and will get some photos.
Mon and Tues evenings I will be preparing some food to pack in our cooler to avoid eating road junk.
Meanwhile, as I am on the busy social whirl, LM is doing all his own trip prep and we may get to spend a few minutes together on Saturday evening. Today he is doing the final arrangements for the rental car and preparing the house for his sister, who will stay with Ms G for 2 weeks. Little does the little chipmunk chaser know that her "boyfriend" will be gone. EEEEEK. Poor baby.
All the above explains why I will most likely not be posting for a few days. I do plan to post during the trip, so Wednesday night I will try to sneak in a wind up of the first day. CANNOT WAIT to be on the road with my love! First stop is Front Royal VA.
Happy Halloween!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Weekend Wind-up and a Walk at Swan Pond
First, a shot of the Chairman of the Chipmunk Control Commission hard at work!
Looking down in to the birdbath outside the backdoor at LM's
Beginning our walk at Swan Pond. The woods were very quiet and beautiful and the only sounds we heard were the call of a kingfisher and the crunch of leaves beneath our feet. The path lead to a lovely hill overlooking the brackish pond
Overlook toward the south
The trail down to the water
Beautiful Fall colors
A most interesting part of this walk were the mushrooms we spotted. So many different colors and forms
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A Perfect Fall Saturday
It was supposed to rain but it is sunny, breezy and a bit balmy. Sue and I will meet around 2 to visit our favorite consignment shops and then get ourselves back to visit with LM and Ms G.
Should be a lovely day. As the weekend neared, I found myself feeling low, teary and not wanting to do much of anything, but after a good night's sleep, some hard exercise and preparing this delicious meal, I am feeling great and ready to get out of myself!
Hopefully, there will be pictures to post and a wrap up of the day. Tomorrow, LM, Ms G and I get to sleep in, see my daughter and granddaughter and then have a visit with one of his close friends for a seafood dinner.
Daughter, Anne and husband are in France this weekend for surprise birthday party for friends, and my brother, Ev and his wife are in Oregon to attend SOAR (for fiber spinners) and then they will visit my sister, El in Seattle. Very much a family on the road this week.
NICE.....wish you all a lovely weekend, too. Leaving you with a lovely Ms G poem written by my dear on-line friend, Debbie
Ms G's Discussion About Herself
My home is where my feet touch.
My bed is what's under me when I'm sleepy.
My food is anything that tastes good.
My friends are whom I choose.
The night is my safety, the day is my warmth.
I'm proud but not vain. Simple things delight me.
I love to be loved, but love when I choose.
I adapt very quickly, but prefer my routine.
I am curious to a fault.
I am beautiful, and clean, and I know it.
My soft voice can comfort, my anger is clear.
I practice my agility so none can compare.
I am what I am, and I would be no other,
I am Ms G the cat! And THAT is THAT!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
On a Whirl
CRAZY, I am! I really have issues with time.....getting close to a date, an event, an appointment, I am always so worried about things being exactly right, that I make myself very stressed, and those around me as well. It is subtle but really annoying to me and others. LM being a very patient man, knows this about me and it even gets to him, too.
In actuality, everything is very ready for the trip right now. As needs have arisen, they have been addressed, and I will do a practice run of packing a very SMALL suitcase next week sometime.
I think I needed to write this out in order to stop, or at least slowdown, the whirling in my mind....thanks for listening.
This trip promises to be one of a lifetime and to know that we will be bringing such delight and fulfilling a 30+ year dream for Kristi (LM's 41 year old developmentally disabled daughter), is happiness personified. We will all be seeing some very interesting and beautiful places for the first time in our lives, plus sharing time with other loved ones.
Now it is time to put all my effort into letting go of the lists, lighten up and get into my "happy to be on the road" mindset. I think I can do it!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Namesake
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Home Again!
The sun is shining once more and I will see LM and Ms G (maybe) after work! What more could I ask.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Doggies on Tour
Friday, October 16, 2009
Sweetness Amidst the Storm
LM and I talk everyday at lunch, so, not 10 minutes later, as I was driving back to work, I was surprised when my cell phone rang. I was hoping it would be LM with news about his son John's parole hearing which is being held today. We'd been expecting a call all day. Alas, no news on that yet, but he wanted to tell me that as he walked to his car, he noticed a single flower blooming in the garden behind the shed. In the spring, I had set an orphan bulb in the ground in the corner of the otherwise barren garden plot in which Bob used to take great pride. We intended to put tomatoes and other veggies in there this year but all the landscaping work consumed our time and energy, so it never got done.
On this very wet and stormy day, there was the lone dahlia plant bursting forth with the prettiest flowers....white with a purple tinge, and LM just had to call me to tell me how happy he was to see that beauty! That call is worth more than any expensive gift a man has ever given me.
Oh, and that earlier phone call at lunch - it consisted of silly banter about Ms G and how loving her has really corrupted him and he can hardly stand to leave her alone and go out to do his errands, etc. He has to make sure she "talks" to me, too! Poor besotted soul.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Forgot to Shift into Dog Mode
Usually, I am deft at switching gears from cat radar to dog radar, but this time I forgot somehow. I was famished when I arrived here this evening but the doggies had to eat first, and then go out. After that deed was done, I prepared my dinner and just as I was to sit down, the critters began barking in earnest at the door. I got up to let them in, and Sammy, the big yellow lab was first in. I had to wait a bit for Liza, the black lab. In the few seconds I waited for her, Sammy got my dinner and ate every bite in a flash. There was nary a crumb to be found. My fault. I know dogs do those things and Sammy was counting on my "cat brain." Oh, well, maybe he knows I need to slow down on food intake before the FL trip. Who knows. There is a reason for everything.
Pictures of the culprit coming tomorrow.
We re having a strong nor'easter here tonight with very heavy wind and rain. My favorite kind of night!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Last night there were meaningful phone calls with friends and siblings, which brought me closer to the grief. Good, I guess, but it is one flame this moth wants to avoid, as it fears like I will crash and burn. Here I am, face on, counting the minutes. Really is it all I can do.
Meanwhile, there are friends and family who are in need of support, and LM and I are trying to unravel mysteries regarding artwork he has inherited from Bob's estate. Sort of fun, actually.
Tonight I move to my boss's house to stay for 6 days. Yup, I'm headed to the dogs in so many ways! The Fall colors are pretty over there. I think some focus on nature is in order.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Lovely Days and a Milestone
And, in other news, Ms G has been busy dusting at LM's....note the dust on her whiskers here! She likes the back of this wing chair as she can see most of the activity on the first floor from this vantage point. Funny little one!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Breezy Saturday
Tomorrow LM's sister will join us for a Sunday dinner at his house. She is going to be staying with Ms G while we are on our big trip to FL with Kristi, so tomorrow we will acquaint her with the house and with how to meet all the needs of the divine Ms G.
Teddy seems to be doing well since the implant of the ear tubes on Thurs. He was overheard on the phone this morning letting his father know, in no uncertain terms, that he wanted lunch and wasn't going to wait!
Be back tomorrow or so with party photos.
Hope everyone is having a lovely Fall day.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Today is a very special day in our family. My brother, Marty will be presented with a very prestigious award at the University of Illinois. I could not be prouder of anyone, and he is so deserving. I would love to be there but can not get time off from my job right now as I have a long vacation coming up soon. We will all be with him in spirit and he has a huge contingent of his wife, Karen's family to celebrate the day.
Also, a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sister Margaret up in Waterloo, Ontario! Wish I could be with you, too.....lots of love coming your way, though.
2009 Harold Scharper Humanitarian Award
Martin I. Morse, BS '84, MS '87
Olympic and Paralympic Coach
University of Illinois
Champaign, IL
Martin Morse is the recipient of the 2009 Harold Scharper Humanitarian Award. A former award-winning wheelchair athlete in track and field, roadracing, and basketball, Mr. Morse completed both bachelor's and master's degrees in kinesiology at the University of Illinois. He has coached both Olympic and Paralympic wheelchair athletes, counting among his many accomplishments his service as assistant technical director of wheelchair track exhibition events at the 1984 Olympic Games, head coach of the American delegation in the 1990 and 1991 Goodwill Games, and head coach of U.S. wheelchair track and field teams in the 1988 and 1992 Paralympics. He served as head coach of the Team Ghana Track Camp, held at the University of Illinois in 2000 and 2004, and has been a volunteer consultant on a variety of national and international athlete training systems and programs. He developed a composite glove technology to enhance performance and prevent injury of wheelchair athletes, and introduced the sport of handcycling as off-season training to maintain upper body strength. Mr. Morse collaborated with Adam Bleakney, who is now head coach of wheelchair track, field, and racing at Illinois, to build the first aerodynamic model of a racing wheelchair using high-tech carbon fiber and mylar. The working model was unveiled at the 2002 Boston Marathon. He went on to serve as a consultant on wind tunnel research and development of racing wheelchairs for the Center for Sports Innovation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Marty continues to inspire everyone he meets, and best of all he is an amazing father to Steven and Sam!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Baby Teddy Update - Shakin' the Bars

Today he is going to have tubes put in his ears to hopefully stop the spate of ear infections he's had over the past months. Wish we could get to the core of the problem. My theory is allergies of some sort but that remains to be proven. It is a great frustration for many parents.
Here's hoping the tubes are successful.
Otherwise, we are having such a lovely Fall and that means we are one month from the trip to FL. It is getting more and more exciting. Lots to do beforehand but that is fun, too.
Back to taking out my winter project du jour.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
13th Century Wisdom
The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows, who violently sweep your house empty of its furniture, still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice, meet them at the door laughing, and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.
~ Rumi ~
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Blue Suede Shoes, etc
Everytime I shop, I do glance at all the "cute' shoes and wish, but then decide to pass, but last weekend, I found not only one, but two pairs of comfy but stylish (to me anyway) new shoes. Of course, since my teen years I've been searching for a pair of blue suede shoes to pay homage to Elvis. Voila, it may have taken 50 odd years, but I now have them. (They do not show up blue in this photo, but they surely are a beautiful shade of blue)
Monday, October 5, 2009
Pain in my stomach, some shakiness and a lot of apprehension came along with me as I drove over an hour to the site of the retreat. The building alone, modernistic in a wooded setting, was worth the leap over my comfort bounds. Filled with the most beautiful art, it is and was for me a place of healing. Eight other women made the leap as well, and it was a most rewarding day, planned to keep our interest and fill our bodies, minds and spirits with JOY. We got to know each other a bit and there was a connection for me with a woman who helped my daughter immensely at one point in her life. She is an amazing example of giving back and making a difference in the lives of others. In her case it is by running a landmark program to assist the homeless. Having my friend, Debra there was wonderful, as well. I am sure our friendship grew through the experience.
The second presenter was a yoga teacher and we did intervals of yoga, guided in her gentle funny ways throughout the day. The explanation of what we were doing with each of the postures, brought to life what we were feeling....the opening up of our bodies to joy and health. I did things I never dreamed possible. For me, the yoga truly began to open me up and feel whole. LOVED IT!
The sharing, journaling, laughing and wisdom of the seven other women was such a gift. There were many with grief, but there was a lot of hilarity throughout the day. Very clearly I could see that I am in control of my joy and only I can take down the barriers to truly experiencing it everyday in my life.
Outside was a perfect Fall day, and the opportunites presented themselves to walk outside several times and just breathe in the beautiful air and feel the sunshine.
Near the end of the day we did a guided meditation and then a gentle sharing of what we all felt.
The day brought me much more than a cup of joy!
When I returned to LM's house in the evening, there he was, preparing me a lovely dinner of roast chicken. After a long hug, he looked at me and commented immediately on how mellow I seemed, and he wanted to hear more about the day. We shared the delicious dinner and several quiet hours together (there was a brief appearance by Ms G). He had been out on beaches most of the day taking a number of his students on a class fishing trip...alas, no one caught a fish, but they had fun trying and learning to use their fishing equipment.
My drive home was interesting - as LM walked me to my car, we stepped out of his house into dense fog.....the densest I have seen in years -I drove away in my mellow state, and as I got within 2 miles of my house, all the fog was gone, and there was a crystal clear moonlit evening. Somehow very meaningful, in light of the day I experienced.