As I had written yesterday, a full day was ahead of me, much of it to be spent with old friends and doing some errands. I did get my new sewing machine and it is all set up and one block in the cat-themed scrap quilt I am making for a certain beautiful baby boy, is already complete!
After the shopping, I arrived at my brother's house to pick up some things....there was Bob waiting to greet me on the porch. Bob followed me on a tour around Trish's lovely gardens and through the primrose path she has created in her wooded garden.

Come along with me on the tour. Forget-me-nots in a tree trunk.....

Tulips and grape hyacinths

Spectacular parrot tulips

Fragrant wisteria by the garage

The fish pond and garden, all set in rock

Along the wooded garden path

Primroses guiding the way


Trish has created a beautiful peaceful place!

Late in the day, I met up with my friend, Albie. He and his delightful wife, Claire, are back here to attend a HS reunion, so we met up at East Bay restaurant in Plymouth and had a wonderful early dinner and great conversation. Albie keeps us connected with lots of our HS friends and is a very caring and supportive friend. His father was the minister of St Andrew's Episcopal church which was an important hub in our childhood, where we were all christened and grew up to be married, etc.

Mother's Day found, LM, Kristie along with me to visit Jason and Teddy (Alison was working) and go for a walk in the beautiful SUNSHINE. Just as I took this photo, Teddy was about to lurch toward me....he gave me a big smile but I missed it on camera.

We packed Teddy up into his stroller and headed out to the Cape Cod Canal service road, with a very strong but warm wind at our backs. We were bound for a spot I had been seeking for years......Sagamore Hill. It is a high spot overlooking Cape Cod Bay where during WW II, there was an observation point set up by the military to guard against attacks by Germans reported to be dangerously near our coast line in submarines . Remaining today is the site where a huge gun was set up, and some bunkers where ammunition was stored. Hiking for a mile or so through the woods up to this point was so magical....beautiful trees, the only sound came from many songbirds and the wind. We saw, Baltimore orioles, warblers, cardinals, and so many other birds. I was thrilled to see the warblers as they are always migrating through here the first two weeks of May. The Army Corps of Engineers has set up screech owl houses in this area, too. The trails are wide and easily navigated and we saw evidence of ancient stonewalls, as at one time, the area was used by farmers to graze their animals in the summer months. After the lovely walk to the top, this view over the bay on this perfect day was really spectacular.

Dear Teddy, waking as we returned from the walk. I do admit that 3/4's of the way back to Jason's, I found a bench and had to sit....Kristi and I sat and pondered the walk while LM and Jason got the car ro rescue me....not too far but there was a steep hill which I knew would put me over my limit!

It's been a lovely Mother's Day weekend!