Monday, January 17, 2011

From the World of Ms G

Basking is Ms G's hobby....she follows the sun and her faithful servant has comfy spots waiting for her in all the opportune places.
The paparazzi gets the evil eye......
The long paw of the law of sun worshipping.
Me thinks she knows a lot more than we know.
Reflecting on peace, friendship, and being happy within what is today.
Wishing Sara and Samantha, and anyone else not feeling well, healing thoughts today.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to lay in the sunshine? Stretch out and feel the heat. The bother of having to move with the sun, would be a nusience, but doable. Wandering from window to window following it's warmth from the sun...sounds pretty nice to me...debbie

MBG said...

I had cats all my life, but can't now because of my asthma. I lost my last kitty-companion, Handsome Harry Beanbag, ten years ago, so I am really enjoying reading about Ms. Graysea's exploits. She's a sweetie! Thanks for sharing her with us.


Judy said...

I can just see LM walking from sun spot to sun spot, laying down pillows and blankets in all the correct spots for Ms. G. I love that cat!!!

Sally Wessely said...

She is an amazing creature.