I should be doing another post about the sisters reunion but tonight I am really tired!! When I am tired and hungry, I have a running dialogue with myself about how yummy and easy take-out would be, so, after enduring the smell of the Chinese food which the accounting department and others were enjoying at lunch today, I got it in my mind that I HAD to have some, too. Seeing that I try to avoid junk food like that (and, I really CANNOT afford take-out) I remind myself of just how AWFUL I feel within 10 minutes of eating it. Tonight I went back and forth, searching for the Asian Paradise menu in my junk drawer to no avail, searching for it on line with no success, taking a
Previcid to stave off the after effects of the "junk", getting out of the chair, I headed for the door and somehow common sense prevailed and I stopped short of the outside door and detoured to the kitchen, arguing all the way.
An hour later, I surveyed the results of some healthy soup making and had finished eating a make-do dinner which was so delicious, I surprised myself.
Making soup is one of my favorite things and seeing that Fall is approaching it is nice to now have some of my veggie soup packaged up in the freezer and some for lunch tomorrow.
I don't use a recipe but here is a go at one for you to follow if you like. It is a variation of a Weight Watchers "free" soup which I have been making since the mid-70's:
In a heavy large pot (see very poor photo of my favorite soup pot above) saute the following in a very small amount of olive oil, stirring often:
3 stalks of celery, finely chopped
1 lg yellow onion, finely chopped
2 lg cloves of garlic, minced
Saute the above for about 8-10 min until the celery and onion are
translucentAdd a large (28 oz) can of diced tomatoes and 1 qt of fat free or low fat chicken broth
Stir well, simmer
Chop 3 carrots, finely and 1 med zucchini cut into very small pieces.
Bring to a boil and then simmer for about 20 minutes until the carrots are soft.
Cool and then remove 3 cups to a blender, puree, and pour back in. Season with any herbs, spices, salt and pepper.
This soup freezes well and is very filling. Sometimes I add kidney beans or
cannellini beans. You can really add anything you like!
My easy dinner was made from left over mashed potatoes.....to about 1 and 1/2
cup of mashed potato, I added 1 cup of shredded zucchini and 1/4 cup of grated onion and 1/4 cup of grated
parmigiano reggiano cheese. I then rolled them in
panko crumbs and sauteed them lightly in a bit of olive oil in a non-stick pan until they were browned. On the side I put some left over mango peach salsa which I had made to accompany baked swordfish on Monday, and voila, I had a delicious dinner and do not feel sick!! Of course, as I chopped and stirred, I was still talking myself out of the run to Asian Paradise. Ah, the games we play with ourselves in an effort to remain healthy. Tonight a diversionary tactic worked! Not always the case, but then I am so far from perfect.