A week ago today was the long awaited Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival and one of my favorite reasons for visiting my brother and wife in May. We were warned that the day would be hot, and, as always, we expected big crowds, but there was no way I could have anticipated how tough it would be. I did last 3 hours before collapsing. There was no where to sit - the ground is out of the question for me due to my hip issues, and there was no shade to be found. Got a few pictures, and did manage to find myself some lovely things begging to come home to Cape Cod!
This fun exhibit was just inside the gate. (click on any of the photos to enlarge)

Walking toward the exhibit buildings early in the morning....about 8:15 am.

These sheep are just so beautiful and we gave them thanks for donating their lovely locks so that we can knit.

NOT a happy camper....getting ready for show.

Not sure what kind of sheep this is, but the color was so beautiful and she was very sweet.

By noon, I had seen all I could, and could not stand much longer. The others were still wandering, so I left the throngs in the fairgrounds and headed to the car. Barely got to the car and the sun was beating down on it. There was no other choice but to just sit there and wait.....fell asleep for a bit and then the phone woke me to say that my SIL had found someone to drive me home, BUT, I would have to walk quite a distance to meet them....I set off and the walk was straight uphill for what seemed forever. Next thing I knew I was collapsed against a car, unable to go another step. Finally, they collected me and we were in AC and on the way home. Very unusual heat for May in Baltimore. I must say, though, the S & W is an amazing event and I loved being among all these incredibly talented people, and seeing the beautiful fibers available for sale.
Love this woman walking along with her big bag of wool!

The crowd approaching as I was leaving at noon.

Jenni bought this lovely roving along with a lot of other beautiful wool.

She also acquired this beautiful handmade drop spindle for handspinning

.....and then, guess who learned how to hand spin?? He was really a great student.

What a good sport! LM and my brother were very happy that they missed out on attending the Sheep and Wool festival. They were going to come, but I called to warn them of the crowds, traffic and extreme heat. They were very content to enjoy the AC at home!
Until I saw your photos (which are lovely), I didn't realize that you were in an agricultural environment, the hottest possible on a hot day. Oh, you poor sweet dear, I'm sorry!
Good grief. That is a lot of walking for one person who is hip challanged! The sheep were pretty. I liked the brown sheep. I didn't know sheep were brown until today. Lm looks pretty good spinning that wool!! lol. You might have created a wool monster! lol Glad you had a grand time. ...debbie
PS we recieved your sweet card yesterday. Thank you so much. That was really sweet of you.
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