Our annual visit to opening day of the Baltimore City Market was as wonderful as always. It has really expanded in size, and one can only imagine that it is more amazing each week as the growing season moves along. The market is held under both sections of highway. Love the artistic support stanchions.

New this year, was a large area of booths under the right hand side. Right off, I bought a pretty silver necklace and earrings, and next we were on to check out this farmer selling goat. Loved the sign. To the left you can see the beginning of the "Wheelie Good Smoothie" stand. These young people ride bikes to generate the energy to make smoothies in attached blenders! What a fun and healthy place.

Wheelie Good Smoothies!

The market is redolent with the smell of so many international foods, many of them cooked to order. The displays themselves, are works of art.

Ah, the smell of fresh bread!

Flowers were everywhere at reasonable prices. Too bad we flew down.

LM acquired a luscious cinnamon treat.

Honey, so pretty in the sunlight.

The asparagus and rhubarb were at their peak and so beautifully displayed.

Gerberas. Their color is so intense and appealing, so cheery.

Food prep

Omelets of all kinds to order

This amazing mushroom booth is always there, and I am still regretting that I did not get a fried mushroom sandwich. It was very, very warm, and I just did not feel like eating.

Another view of the mushroom selections

Heavenly iris with the most wonderful fragrance

Flowers, flowers, everywhere!

Nephew, Martin (back to camera), Ev, and LM

Crowds. The buy local campaign is working!

These greens were so beautiful, and of all types.

Several sneak peaks at the Baltimore skyline from under the bridge....one could almost imagine being a troll.

Well, that about winds up the coverage of our hot and steamy (weather wise anyway) sojourn to Baltimore!
It's very busy around these parts this week. On Saturday, LM is leading a "Learn How to Fish Day" for 10 women who are taking part in a Women in the Outdoors Program. He's looking forward to it, and so far the weather promises to hold out. It will be held at West Dennis Beach beginning at 10 am 5/15. (anyone is welcome to stop by). They will be trying to catch bluefish and striped bass. Stay tuned for a report. I will be in Provincetown having lunch with a dear friend that day, and getting ready for the quilt presentation on Sunday afternoon.
In the midst of it all, I am trying to continue work on my hip and fitness....massage tomorrow night and teaching myself yoga via a DVD at home. Working well!
Loved the pictures. The bread stands remind me of the bread stands I saw in the Arab section of Old City Jerusalem.
Check out my new blog.
I had to do a double take at your market!! It looks just like ours, which is also partly under the interstate and partly beside it! I loved the flowers and wanted to buy all that rhubarb! yum!!Ours opened about 2 weeks ago. The one near me will open tomorrow by the dog park. I'm hoping to go and see what I can find that's yummy. I can hardly wait to hear about your quilt presentation! She will be so surprised!! What a neat thing to do! Hope you'll post that Sunday night. I envy you, that you can get down to do Yoga. I can hardly get down, and once I'm there I cant bend my knees much to sit cross legged...it's impossible...debbie
What a fabulous market!!! I'm green with envy. I've never seen anything like it!
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