Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Week we Wish that Wasn't, almost
Everything else from that call on, has had a pall of sadness over it. We are going through the motions of coping with total helplessness. We had hoped beyond belief that John would stay straight this time. It is heartbreaking!
Meanwhile, I'm working on a post about our turkey day, and we are spending time at LM's cleaning, therapeutically cleaning, moving things, making trips to the transfer station and coping as we can.
I'll be back in a few days. Hope everyone else had a great Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
A Visit Back to Sandwich
Teddy says, forgive the hathead.....he had such a great time looking around at all the other little ones having lunch with their families.
This beautiful old church is now a B & B and a very upscale restaurant, The Belfrey Inne & Bistro. The buildings to the right and left are also part of the Inne complex, all lovingly restored and re-purposed.
It really was a lovely day!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I will be very busy the next few days. We will be spending Thursday with my brother, Sam and family.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Last Saturday, I insisted we do at least two of these areas which are within a mile or so of his house. There was a bit of kicking and screaming (well, maybe only an "I have so much to do in the yard,") but I insisted and we set a time. All yard work came to a halt and off we went. First stop was "Coy's Brook" - about 30+ acres. We pulled way in off the road to a nice parking area and within 30 seconds we had this beautiful view out over a salt marsh. Our walk was through uplands with views from every point and just so quiet. Only some crows, the crunching of leaves under our feet, and a soft breeze in the treetops accompanied us.
It was a lovely time out in nature, and after a stop at the market on the way home, we came back to our Ms G....she loves to avert all eye contact when we first come home. It is so funny. I took this photo from the kitchen as I began to prepare dinner. She has to watch what we are both doing but will not engage until she is ready! We call this back-of-the-chair spot the sentinel position. Whenever we are bustling about getting ready for a meal, a departure or just arriving, she is on full alert.
Meanwhile, almost a week has passed. I have been sewing every night and making lots of progress. The quilting bug has me in its clutches but I am loving it.
Yesterday morning another attack of TN hit me so hard that I had to leave work. This is the second one. Not sure what to do, I took one of the original anti-seizure meds and it helped somewhat. I am back at work today but the left side of my head is numb, very little vision in the eye, and a general heavy head prevails. This is the second attack in a 2 month period. The hardest struggle in it all is to keep my thinking in the moment and not far ahead, as I see that this chronic condition could interfere with my job; a prospect scarier than chronic pain. When it hit me yesterday, I had no choice but to go home as my mouth did not want to work, slurring my words and making it difficult on the phone.
Well, I am going forward as if I am fine....planning a nice weekend with LM. We are taking Kristi to shop for Thanksgiving veggies and have lunch tomorrow, and Jason and baby Teddy may join us for lunch and a walk.
Hope everyone will have a great weekend....I'd love to hear about your Thanksgiving plans. It sure is a lovely holiday.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
A Visit with Timothy Leary
Back to square one, but I think I will just continue with meditation and yoga and being very conscious of how I hold my jaw. So far another major attack is at bay.
LM and I had planned a weekend of yard work and for the first half of Saturday I raked like a robot, barely seeing what I was doing, but got a lot done. By 2 pm, we decided to take a break and go for a walk in several local conservation areas we've been wanting to explore. (a few pictures from the walk in a few days!) At the end of the second walk, there was a lovely bench in the woods and we just sat and contemplated the beautiful sky through the treetops, and savored the quiet while we watched a fry of insects dancing in the late afternoon sunlight.
Sunday was more raking leaves and we had great fun....with Timothy Leary at bay, I was able to really get a lot done. I also got out the heavy duty brush killer and after clearing away a lot of debris, got to the root of a HUGE wisteria tree, giving it a good spray. Hopefully, I will have killed the thing. As beautiful as it is, it is so horribly invasive. LM steered clear of me as I stalked around with my 1 gallon spray container. He was certain I would come after him, too. I really detest using those powerful chemicals in the earth, but the house would be inundated with vines if not. After two years, we finally have the English Ivy contained to one area on the side of the house where it is quite pretty and makes a great ground cover.
It's raining heavily here this morning and the temptation to crawl back into my cozy bed is almost more than I can take.....alas, time to go to work. Have a great day!!!
LM is already on a long car trip to NY today.
Wishing you all a beautiful day no matter the weather!
Cyclocross and Fun at Coonamessett Farm Falmouth

Meanwhile, back at the would-be donkey ranch, Ms G waited at the door, but her hopes were dashed, too when only a bag of squash came home with her beloved LM. We girls do have a struggle to get what we want.

*Nate is a top competitor in National Junior Cyclocross. Here is a piece he wrote about winning the Providence RI championship in October (published in the Corner Cycle Newsletter.) So proud of you, Nate!
As reported by Nate Morse.
"Providence cross is one of my favorite races all year. It has the best venue and one of the best race atmospheres in New England. Saturday began early with pre riding the course before my dad's race. I loved how much the course was divided between technical sections and the power sections. At the start I had a quick acceleration off the line but took a bad line into the first turn and was about a quarter way towards the back of the pack. In the turn before the barriers, I was crashed by someone who got cut off and jumped off their bike for some reason. The bike went flying sideways and knocked me off my bike. Now I was at the back... I knew I needed to work my way back up to get to the leaders. On the second lap I had almost worked my way back up to the chase group right behind my biggest competitor, Curtis White. In the tight turns after the barriers I rolled my rear tire. Two races in a row!!! I was outraged. I was so far away from the pit I needed to pop the tire back on and ride carefully to switch bikes. After the pit change I decided I would just ride steady hard and save a little for the next day. I worked my way up to 6th in the juniors but I was still 50th overall. I was really disappointed with the mishaps so I wanted to do as well as I could on Sunday. At the start of the Sunday race, I had another super fast acceleration off the line and I was going to get the holeshot. Unfortunately I pulled out my pedal and had to regain speed. I was pretty far back in the pack, but not as far as the day before. In my head I was thinking that it would be another bad day. In the first four turns I made my way to top 10. I immediately got a smile on my face as I powered passed Curtis on the off camber parallel to the finish straight. I felt amazingly strong and powerful! I got in a group of five on the first lap with Curtis, Synjen, Adam St. Germaine, and another one of my prime cat 3 competitors Doug Kennedy. Doug dropped off with five to go so it was down to a group of four. With four laps to go, St. Germaine flatted right before the pit. He must have had to find a neutral wheel because he spent a while in the pit. I was at the front of the group and decided to pick up the pace a bit. Curtis got gapped a little and fell off the group. Synjen and I were together off the front with three to go! I kept the pace high to be sure Curtis or Adam wouldn't catch back up. Synjen got separated on a technical section and and road to a solo second place. As soon as I had a gap I went a little harder. I wanted to get as big of a gap as I could but I also wanted to stay upright and stay in the lead. With two to go I decided I would bunnyhop the barriers. I had been doing it consistently in practice so I felt confident about it. Around the turn before the barriers I got an image in my head of me crashing and flying over the bars. I quickly changed my mind and ran over the barriers. I kept it steady for the last two laps and tried to keep opening up the gap. Up the finishing straight I gave one final look back to make sure nobody had crept up on me. I gave a victory salute and put up my hands. It was my biggest win so far! I waited for Synjen and Curtis and talked for a bit about the race. This definitely made up for the mishaps I had the day before. I am looking forward to the Verge race in Vermont this weekend."
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Neurologist
I have a long medical history, much of it not pretty, thus, there have been lots of less than satisfactory visits with health care providers of all types. Yesterday's visit, for my trigeminal neuralgia condition, with a new neurologist, was what I hope is indicative of where medical care is heading. Everyone who worked with me was so incredibly kind and generous with their time. After a very lengthy interview with a nurse, during which she entered all the information into a computer, she introduced me to the doctor and he spent another long time talking with me, asking many many questions, all followed by a thorough neurological exam. He went over many options for me and then broke down those which he thought would be best for me considering my low tolerance to medications. He praised me for my choice to use alternative therapies to combat this, sometimes disabling, condition, and asked many questions about my body's reactions to massage, acupuncture and chiropractic, and was impressed with my incorporation of these therapies in seeking relief and as a general practice for good health! NOT, the usual reaction of the medical world. The conclusion is that I go on a maintenance dose of Topamax (still have some research of my own on this drug before starting it) which should help to keep another attack of TN at bay. His interest in me emotionally as well as physically was amazing. As we ended our long appointment, he warmly shook my hand and encouraged me to call him with any questions and my call would be answered promptly. I just about floated out of that office. The piece de resistance was finding my dearest LM and his awesome daughter, Meggie, waiting in the parking lot to take me for a cup of tea to hear about my appointment. After a nice cup of chamomille, we all went to pick up a few things at Trader Joe's. Sure wish they were closer to home.
The sun is finally shining, Kristi and LM were off on a fun mission today (details to be revealed in a future post) and I am planning to work on some quilting this evening.
Happy day to you all.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The last few days have been a flurry of angst, urging and concern for LM. He was getting sicker by the minute and refusing, steadfastly, to see his doctor. Finally, Sunday, I forced his hand by telling his children. Once they got involved, he listened....almost. It took his daughter calling the doctor's office yesterday morning, to get him to make an appointment. He was seen at 3 yesterday and told that he does have an advanced case of the shingles, AND, if he'd come in 10 days ago he could have had the anti-viral med, BUT....we all know how that went. It is so hard sorting out when to be forceful on another's behalf, or to let said love-one have freedom of choice. It got to the point where watching him clutch himself in pain, face grayish pale, and not able to sleep for a week, got to be more than I could bear.
Now, there is some slight improvement, but the butterflies are still circling in my body and soul, as well as that of his daughter, and we are just hoping that our dear LM will take better care of himself. Last night he slept and tonight he is teaching.
We are still in the midst of a northeast storm and the wind and rain are going to persist for another 24 hours. I'll be relieved when the weekend brings us sunshine, and LM and I are together for some mutual healing and cuddling with Ms G.
Tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with a neurologist to discuss the recent attack of trigeminal neuralgia. right now I only have occasional shots of the pain, but I am interested is discussing the future and what I might do to deter another bout. I'll get back here about any light shed on TN.
From the just have to feel better somehow department, we have a "job lot" type store here that has a lot of junk, but once in a while they have leader items that are fantastic. When I read in their flyer that they had the cashmere socks again this year, I was there in a flash after work today. Two years ago I bought 3 pair, this year I got 5. They wear like iron, are warmer than the very thick socks and are perfect for work under dressy boots and clogs. Happy feet for the winter!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
On a more serious note, LM continues to be quite sick, AND refusing to see his dr. It does seem to be shingles as he has a rash and is in a great deal of pain. He claims (promises) he will make the call tomorrow. In sheer frustration I told his daughter today. Perhaps she will be more successful in convincing him to seek treatment. I'm living with a heart-in-throat feeling knowing he is so sick.
The weekend with the dogs was uneventful. They were pretty well-behaved and did not do the early morning yipping which has been an issue in the past. Yesterday, LM's sister and a friend came for lunch and we had a lovely visit. Wish the weather had been nicer for the little tour around town we had.
Early this morning, I did some birding and saw lots of loons, seaducks, and a beautiful kingfisher. There is a huge storm at sea and it drives them in. Tonight we have heavy rain and gale force winds and it is so chilly that we may have some snow and sleet in the night. Not pleasant!
That's it from my corner of the world....hope yours is warm and cozy and happy.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Haunch Feathers, etc.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Fall is Leaving

It does seem that I am particularly introspective right now; in slow motion; yet fully functional. Strange place but it is OK. I think my body and psyche are recovering from a lot of recent highs, and adjusting beforehand to the time change coming this week. Plan is to just sit within this feeling, and see what is revealed. Living with 4 distinct seasons seems to be another form of exercise, at least for one's spirit, and that can only be healthy.
LM is not feeling well - he claims it is shingles - and my pleas to see his physician have so far gone unheeded. He had a very painful night last night and promised he would make an appointment today. We shall see. Perhaps his body is reacting in a different way.
Meanwhile, he was busy in the kitchen yesterday morning when he snapped this photo of Ms G spying at him through a very large jade plant which sits on a table by the back door. She is such a character! We brought the plant in just in time last week, as we've now had a heavy frost.
A lovely Family Day
We picked her up on Saturday evening and son, Jason joined us for a delicious seafood dinner.