Several weeks ago I shared a fun evening with Teddy and his parents.....we had dinner (that's Nana Morse's zucchini casserole), we played ball, Teddy showed me how well he is doing using the "potty" and we read stories and did a lot of laughing.
From the wacky department....the evening we came back from our Vermont trip, LM and I went to his favorite fishing spot because a number of his fun fishing buddies "could be taking all the fish." Well we found them all on a little bridge over a salt water creek, trying madly to catch some striped bass as the tide flowed out.
This is his fun friend, Bob, who managed NOT to catch a fish, but did find a young skunk near the edge of the creek....he carried it around by the tail and showing off his belief that a skunk will not spray if held this way.....pretty rowdy time at the old creek! Lot's of laughter, and the skunk was let go to return to his siblings. (notice the miners light so they can see what they are doing when night fishing. You would not believe the gear they carry!)
John is working and seems to be on the straight and narrow, and LM and I are really enjoying finding ourselves again.
This weekend there is a party at Teddy's house to celebrate his Daddy's birthday and a certain Nana has a birthday, too. It will be extra special as my brother and his wife will be joining us. Alas, they cannot bring our dear Bob (cat).....he'll be home reclining on his outdoor chaise and doing his best to keep the chipmunk population under control.
Cape Cod is so beautiful and busy right now. The hydrangeas are in all their glory and many visitors are filling our towns.
Love and happiness to everyone! I'll be back with party pictures.