Tuesday, January 12, 2010

LM Update

Good News - LM is home from the hospital. He's been thoroughly tested although he is commanded to appear for a 3.5 hr stress test on Friday morning.
We are both relieved for the moment, and very, very tired.
Thank you all so very much for the kind thoughts, prayers and support. I appreciate it all so much and will relay it to LM.
PS....he was able to re-schedule his radio airtime to tomorrow morning at 9 and that makes for a very happy boy!


Poppy said...

YAY for rescheduling! I'm sure that's just the lift he needed after his last 24 hrs.

I'll keep good thoughts winging his way as he faces his stress test.

YOU take care of yourself as well.

Thinking of you both....

Anonymous said...

So glad they rescheduled LM'S radio show, and double glad that is getting to go home! See! good things DO happen. Tell him good luck on his stress test. Did they find anything wrong on any of his tests? You both take care!!...debbie

Kittie Howard said...

How did I miss your previous post!! Oh, heavens, I'm relieved LM's recovering, that all will turn out just fine. And happy he re-scheduled. Hugs and Prayers!