Monday, November 9, 2009

From Florida, Day 6

Hello everyone....we arrived at daughter, Anne's on Saturday evening and are really enjoying the warmth. We swim with the dolphins tomorrow, although there may be some delays due to the effects of hurricane Ida.
Here are a few teasers until I have time to write more. Everything has been perfect so far and Kristi is having the time of her life meeting new friends, 4-legged and otherwise, and we are making the most of every minute.
Theo has been entertaining us since we arrived here! More fun to come from him. Bella asking for treats...caught mid-squeak....yes, she squeaks, does not meow!
LM being mauled with pug love in North Carolina!

Krisit and I fording a stream...the Otter River. Along the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina.

Along the Blue Ridge Parkway in NC...

Lot's more to come.


Kittie Howard said...

Fun! Fun! Fun! Now, in Florida; you're on quite a trip -- makes me wish I could feel that Florida sun.

Anonymous said...

So glad everyone is having a great trip! Theo is pretty cute as well as Bella...and the pug...well..he's cute too. lol Am so glad the weather is good. I wondered about Hurricane Ida, but I guess she won't make her way into the Gulf until tomorrow. Hope your far enough east that it won't rain on you. Take Care!!...debbie

amy in ct said...

hi there!
sounds like you are having a lovely trip.... good luck on your journey
amy in ct

Welles Tan said...

Interesting blogging and photos!