Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Rosier View

In search of a rosier view on life, lunchtime Friday found me at Lighthouse Beach. The beach roses (rosa rugosa) brought rebirth to my tired senses, so I thought I would share them here with you, and, incidentally, these roses appear white in the photos but they are the most beautiful shade of shell pink:

Saturday found me preparing a lovely breakfast for LM while he and Ms G played. Our afternoon project was to begin the clean-out of the second floor at his house. He began helping me, but I could see his grief at Bob's loss take over, and he busied himself with chores downstairs while I finished what I can only describe as deconstructing a life....Bob had neatly saved every receipt he ever received in bound folders by year. Now the upstairs is fairly neat - it is one large open room - and we will be able to set it up again as a guest space, and storage. There is still a large closet to be emptied, too. It took me about 4 hours and LM made a trip to the transfer station. Last night I realized that a portion of the grief which has been overwhelming me of late is not only from Dad's loss, but for Bob's death, and all the changes LM and I have been absorbing the past 2 years. It is heavy!! After we shared a nice dinner made with the Bolognese sauce which I made a few nights ago, I found I just needed to come home to my house and crash. Tough leaving LM, as I could see the pain and confusion in his face. We will get through this, life will be rosier again, and I will not have to go searching for rosier settings. Meanwhile, I am very grateful I have them to find when needed.

PS. The cat which LM's daughter brought him unexpectedly last week, remains in his house. She eats, etc but she is still hiding. I got a glimpse of her upstairs yesterday but she is not allowing herself to be touched. The second night she was there, she came downstairs and for 1 hour she rolled around and allowed LM to pat her but since then, no cat! She is a chocolate point Himalayan, and the poor thing has been shaved so she looks like a poodle. Evidently she was terribly matted. LM feels he cannot keep her and is waiting for his daughter to come back and try to retrieve the poor thing. Another sadness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear the kitty will be leaving. The Roses are lovely. I can almost smell them!! lol and the beach!! How nice to be near the beach - can't imagine...debbie