We came through the wrath of Sandy relatively unscathed. Kristi and her mother were without power for 8 hrs or so. Some trees down, washed out roads, and coastal erosion, is nothing compared to what New York City and New Jersey are suffering. Dear freinds have lost their entire house to a huge tree in Ramsey, NJ. No telling when they can even get back to find their cats, as live wires surround the house. Currently they are at a hotel.
Our work projects had little or no damage, a testament to the pre-storm planning by our staff.
Thinking of all my NY/NJ friends this morning. May your long climb back go as smoothly as possible, and may a stronger sense of community and help, come your way.
The fisherman continues hours and hours along the coast in the high waters, catching lots of bass. A happy man!
Tomorrow we head to New Hampshire to visit a couple who were high school friends of LM's back in the '50's. I know it will be great fun.
Love to all.
glad you made it through safely!
"They" say we are going to continue to have these kinds of storms--climate changes. Mega tornadoes, 100 year storms every year, 200 year floods every year and drought of epic proportions. Kind of scares me.
Thank you for the update. I wondered how you were doing, and I'm grateful to hear you came through the storm so well.
Thanks for the update.
Pleased no danger to you...
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