Monday, June 11, 2012

Catch-up Post - May Day Walk

Way back on May Day I took a lovely walk through a neighborhood about 1 mile from where I live and thought I would share some of the sights with you.  I took particular notice of the many interesting signs people place above their garages, and, the beautiful Spring blooms.

True red rhododendrons!  Very unusual.  They love it here as our soil is very acidic.

There were some pretty views to the salt water creek behind these homes.  The house below was built by my company and the one you see is the guest house.  Just behind it, on a small island in the marsh, is the main house, accessible only by a swinging bridge.  Very beautiful and serene haven.

Along the way....above are some nice views along Sulphur Springs....a creek that runs in from Nantucket Sound, and also, a shot of some healthy heather plants.

Near the beginning of the walk, I passed this beauty, currently under construction by my company.  Love the triple gables. It will nestle nicley into this beach neighborhood once it weathers in.
Headed back, I met up with this black dog you can see....I was a bit upset that he was unleashed.

My car parked at Hardings beach where I started the walk....The sky was so beautiful that day. The spot you can see in the sky is a kite surfer.

More kite surfers....or I think that is what they are called!  You can see the slight chop on the water so it was a great wind for their sport.
Back view of the new house. It looks out onto a beautiful conservation area.
On the way home, I stopped  by this fishing dock.....very active with small fishing boats. It is on the Oyster River with Nantucket Sound beyond.

A tiny view of Stage Harbor Lighthouse
As I drove home, This beautiful house and barn were straight head at an intersection. They have recently been completely restored.  less than two years ago, this iconic barn was caving in and now it has been given new life and become the home of The Cape Cod Commercial Hook Fishermen's Association.
I loved looking back over these photos this morning, as it reminds me of how fortunate I am to live in this beautiful area, and to breathe the delightful sea air.
From a place of deep gratitude this morning, I send you love!

We are looking forward to a visit from my brother Ev this weekend, and of course, he will be accompanied by his son, Martin, and TIGER.  There will be seafood consumed, long beach walks, and lots of laughs, I am sure.
LM is having his annual "Learn to Fish Day" at a local beach on Saturday, and I am house sitting for my boss's dogs again. It will be a busy time.

I've been very busy working on quilting projects, and look forward to sharing some of them with you soon.


Anonymous said...

Just loved this post as I do love The Cape area and those beautiful homes. Just right down my alley. I love the architecture there. I can smell the salty air from here. Wish I was there!! Thanks for sharing your walk!! Lets go AGAIN!!! ...debbie

Lois Evensen said...

Yes, it is a very beautiful area. What a lovely walk. :)

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

What a beautiful area.
Thank you for sharing
and I can almost smell the sea air.
I miss seafood so much and the water :(

Judy said...

Yes--you are very lucky to live where you live. I miss the ocean every single day!!!

Sally Wessely said...

This was a beautiful walk. It was nice to see the beautiful flowers of spring again. They lasted way too short a time this year.

You are so lucky to live where you do. I think that it is one of the most amazing parts of the country.

Anonymous said...

Oh oh...look who 's getting PUNKED!
Know WHY?
HYDRA for one.
So buckle up " baby".
Gonna take you for a RED_ RIDDER_ 666....RED_ KILLER
Bring SEACREST- CHER - if you DARE!
You ok?

Carol Lee said...

Serene, peaceful and nice neighborhood. The pleasant things in life was in that place. It will be like a personal investing acquiring home in that community.

Balisha said...

I'm busying myself reading blogs that I haven't read before....during this hot, hot, weather. I loved the tour of your area. I read your comments at Ernestine's and thought I'd pay you a visit.