Friday, November 18, 2011

Farmer Teddy

Teddy went to visit a farm sometime around Halloween. Love this picture so much...He's the image of his wonderful Dad.
So nice that we will be with him on Thanksgiving!

I'm wrestling with the need to change my attitude on many fronts. Some deep sadness abides in my soul right now, and much of it has to do with my judgmental thinking. I strive to be always loving and accepting, and yet, in certain situations, the struggle to keep the focus on what I can do and not on the behavior of others, is just almost more than I can bear.
I know all the right ways - a step back, compassion, meditation, focusing on action and not reaction - but my will to apply them is weak. The poor choices on another's part, are deeply affecting my life and it hurts. I guess I need not say more than the fact that John is back in jail, and LM and I feel the knives of despair tearing at our hearts and our relationship.
Any and all advice on coping with a young adult who repeatedly makes bad choices is most welcome.
Love to all!


Anonymous said...

Teddy is really growning!! He is such an adorable young man. The photo is so cute! I'm really sorry at what's going on in your life right now and will be thinking about you today. xo ...debbie

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Your grandson is adorable.
Advice - do not have any - except
maybe just take a big step back.
I have always thought you need to
focus more on you. As women, mothers, wives, etc - seems we are always nourishring. Take care of you....

Sally Wessely said...

Your grandson is so cute!

I'm really sorry to hear about John. This is heartbreaking. I've watched others I care about deeply go through this same thing. You have no control. You sometimes just have to let the consequences be what they are. We can't rescue our children. We sometimes have to let them bottom out so they, and they alone can decide how they will solve their problems.

Judy said...

There is no advice on John. It is all up to him how he chooses to live his life. Now--doesn't that sound easy. NOT!!! You hurt because LM hurts. LM probably feels it is a reflection on him as a father--which it is not. John isn't going to get on the straight and narrow way of life until JOHN decides he is done living the way he lives. It is ALL up to John!!! Just be supportive of LM and don't let it ruin your relationship with him.