Back in 1959, I was a besotted teenager in so many ways....I had my first very serious boyfriend, Teddy, who would become my second husband, and father of my only son (#1 Allan, was father to my 2 girls, and also Teddy's best friend...eeek, I'm a complicated girl). Teddy and I were huge music fans and loved Buddy Holly more than life itself. When Buddy, the Big Bopper, and Richie Valens died in a plane crash in early 1959, not only did the music die, but a part of me, as well. I cried for weeks, and spent the first three days on the floor in my closet and did not come out until I could sob no more. I wrote odes to Buddy all over the walls. His death was a full-fledged tragedy in my life (good thing Elvis came along.) Through the years, I've always loved the music so much and have followed The Crickett's. Saw them on their last tour a few years ago, along with The Everly Brothers. Needless to say I was dancing and singing in the aisles. Thus, when the Buddy Holly Story appeared on the roster of events at a local live theater, I was on the tickets in an instant. Sunday afternoon, LM was packed up in the car and whisked off for a ride....all around in circles, until we arrived at
Harwich Junior Theater to see "Buddy." He was completely surprised, and we had 2+ hours of sheer enjoyment. The production is top shelf, and the house was packed. We laughed about the fact that almost all the attendees were our age or older. After the show, we could not stop singing and took a ride to the north side of the Cape to have a delicious early dinner at a favorite place with a beautiful view of the marsh....we were entertained by a great blue heron, soaring, diving down to fish and then rising up again with its huge wings, lit by the sunset. It was a double header mystery tour weekend and a huge success.
Also, on the weekend, was a lot of cuddling with Ms G. Everytime, I sat on the couch, she appeared right by my side. LM avowed that he'd been coaching her all week to be extra nice to me. He's really "gone" if he thinks he can condition a feline mind, but we'll just let him think that for now, as he was just so proud to see her doing his bidding.

There was also a bit of time spent with Sara and Samantha.....we are looking forward to a special birthday party for Samantha in 2 weeks....
Also on Saturday, LM reminded me that he had been given a large bag of freshly harvested oysters and they needed to be prepared and eaten. John was ready and willing to help me, so we launched in to making Oysters Rockefeller! First of all, I'd only once eaten oysters and they were not my favorite, but I was willing to give them another try, after all, they were my Dad's very favorite food. How could I not like them? John did all the shucking and cleaning, and I prepared all the ingredients. It's actually a fairly easy process, once they are shucked.
My great kitchen assistant, preparing to put the oysters in the broiler. They are resting on kosher salt.

The finished Oysters Rockefeller. As you can see, some had already disappeared before I could get the camera. We all agreed that eating these oysters was an euphoric experience. They were so delicious!!

and....a few other photos from the weekend....this shot was taken at the Cape Cod Salties' Sweetheart dinner on Friday night. You really had to be there, but this was taken during a skit that two of the guys put on to demonstrate what fisherman talk about while out on the water. It was so hilarious....

Ms G starting her day on Saturday morning.....

Sunday afternoon, Ms G felt that my freshly washed, and dried clothes needed pressing, so before I could hang them, she parked her furry self, and made perfect creases all over my shirts. Don't know what I would do without my sweet personal assistant.

I'm still nursing my shoulder and upper back injury from my fall on Friday night. Tonight I have an appointment for a massage and that should help.
From our little world, that is a little catch-up and I'm wishing you all a nice week as we move toward Spring. Love to all.....