Thursday, September 19, 2013


After a delightful dinner with girlfriends last night, I began driving to the moon....all the way home the huge just-about-full orb was lighting my path. It was a perfect evening, just warm enough to have the car windows open a bit to let in a breeze. When I got home, the glow was still there above my house and in my bedroom.  Very quickly by 9 pm I was drifting to sleep as the evening's fun conversation still sung a bit in my ears. With a start, I woke at 1:20 am, wide awake to the moon. In the past I'd have been stressed to wake in the night, unable to return to sleep right away, but this morning, it was an opportunity to enjoy more of the moon while reading, and then after an hour or so, gently back in to sleep.
My day starts at 5 am and by 5:30 I am in my sitting room, having my kale, spinach and fruit smoothie, while catching up with news and blogs. This morning the room was flooded with moonlight and as I looked out into the lovely blue morning light, there was that glorious moon, following me still.  Little moments in my precious.

Have a lovely day......tonight will bring more of the same beauty to be appreciated anew.

1 comment:

Judy said...

I agree. In my last home, my bedroom was on the south-west side of the house and the moon light streamed in on my bed all night long. Not so much here, but I did go out and howl at it last night! Tonight rainy, so I can't see it.