Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pure Craziness

We interrupt the endless saga of our trip to Maine to bring you some silliness from LM's recent trip to deliver a car to Florida. He was able to spend 24 hours of fun and rest with my daughter, Anne and family in Ocala.  There may or may not have been some wine involved, but he made an attempt to photograph my 'grandcat," Bella, as she does her demand for freshly drawn water!  It's a gray cat thing.

Bella loves having the water gently drip on her head and face.

This whole "amazing" event was being relayed to me via cell phone.
A good time was had by all.  L - R Anne's wonderful neighbor, JeanMary, David, Anne and LM.


Anonymous said...

How cute!! You know my mom's Maine Coon Cat loves to play in water and lets it hit his head too and he will let the water get on his paws till it's soggy and them lick them! Cats are so silly indeed!! Nice photo of the humans!! Your daughter is so pretty!! and her hubby ain't bad either....debbie lol

Linda said...

Cats seem to love dripping water as much as birds love dripping water. Very cute.

Linda said...

Cats seem to love dripping water as much as birds love dripping water. Very cute.

Lois Evensen said...

How fun! Your grand cat looks like our Smokey. There appears to be a great deal of Norwegian Forest Cat in the family tree. :)

Anonymous said...

love the blog:)