Susan and Pat grew up just around the corner from where I was born and we went all through school together. Our parents were close friends, as well, so our history is deep and very meaningful on many levels. It is amazing to me that we all lost touch right after high school and had to wait 54 years to be re-united. Nonetheless, being together today was so sweet and as our visit went on and on recounting our lives and childhood memories, I relished closing my eyes and savoring the familiarity of their voices.
Karen, on my right, didn't live in our neighborhood but our town was so small that we were all friends, so having her with us today was extra special.
Being retired has brought me the opportunity to reach out and connect with old friends, and it is a treasure!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, it has been a busy, busy time. Teddy is now settling in to first grade, and finding his voice, and a bit too much of it at times.....ahem!!! Anyway, he is loving first grade and this week he began having homework. So far, so good. Tomorrow night is a school open house and we will meet his teacher and hear some of what goes on in his classroom on a daily basis.
I have lots of other things to share, but not as much time as I would like to spend in front of the little screen. I am very busy with quilting, and the nearly king-sized piece below is awaiting the handsewing of its binding.
A wedding gift for a dear former co-worker - View 1
View 2.......many colors.
I have a crib quilt (below) almost finished, and have been asked to complete another quilt to be exhibited at a log cabin-themed show in the Spring. 
In the middle of it all, I am still going to fitness classes several days a week, and am about to join a yoga class at the senior center next week. I have had a huge reduction in pain throughout my body and my endurance has become much better. Another big help has been the addition of sitting on one of those huge exercise balls while I work at the sewing machine. It really has helped my balance and posture.
Well, time to get myself to bed.........I hope you are all well and enjoying a beautiful fall, as we are.
Love and peace to all.........
1 comment:
Oh my Goodness! You are having a rejuvenation of your life!!!!!
I like to get together with my school gal pals, but my favorite friends have died on me, so it just makes the lunches kind of sad.
Well--onward & upward--ever forward!
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