Good Morning.....Labor Day weekend is upon us, and I am waking up from the heat wave and my rather busy summer.
Teddy had a great summer of YMCA day camp, which, despite the heat, he loved, and he grew so much. Now, with his hair turned beautifully blonde, he has returned to school, and is already loving 1st grade. He's matured a lot in the last several months, and he did a great job keeping a journal about his summer, at the same time, improving writing and sentence formation skills. We did lots of bird watching, and nature walks, and he has had some fun times learning to fish with his Dad and LM.
Cooking has become his new passion, so we've spent time in the kitchen working on basics. He's an attentive student and has some very creative ideas, including his attempting scientific experiments with baking supplies.....he's also become a GREAT FAN of Rachel Ray and Cupcake Wars.

In the middle of August Jason, Alison and Teddy went on a camping trip and really had fun with hikes, canoeing, kayaking and fishing. I think it was a welcome break for them as a family, as their regular schedules are very full and demanding.
Meanwhile, I have kept up with my fitness classes, and sewing, as well as my wonderful weekends with LM and Ms G. All pretty routine now, and I find myself happier and happier in retirement life. There is a little bit of longing for more community, and perhaps a way to market some of my quilts, but I am mulling it and feeling more and more grateful for the wonderful privilege I have of living with my son and family, during this time.
Once in awhile, LM asks me to work with him in his work moving cars for dealers. He travels all over the northeast and LOVES it. Two weeks ago, I went with him on a trip to northern, Maine and we had a great time. It did rain torrentially for part of the drive, but we managed well and enjoyed some lovely scenery.
I may or may not have eaten this delectable blueberry filled doughnut along the way. Only in Maine could I have this divine indulgence.
The home of said doughnuts....Oh, my!!
A lovely rest stop along the way where we stopped for a little picnic on the way up.....lunch at 10:30 am as we had left home at 4:30 am.
A little look at my view as we drove along.....we had quite a few hours of rain both coming and going, but the sunshine in between gave us some relief. It was in the 90' hot!
My intrepid driver at the picnic spot.
After picking up a new GMC SUV at our destination, it was my turn to drive and follow LM all the way home....I am a fairly fearless and calm driver, and that fact was certainly challenged, but we had a very successful journey back with a few side trips off the highways to break-up the stress of Friday afternoon summer driving in ME, NH and MA. We stopped on the way back and had a classic Maine dinner of lobster pie, followed by blueberry pie, at The Maine Diner, again in Wells. That fortified us for the rest of the trip through Friday evening rush hour traffic through Boston, in driving rain and thunder storms. Amazingly enough, we managed to stay together and make it home to Cape Cod unscathed. We really did have fun, and I got paid for the day, too! We were home and in bed by 11 pm.

Several weeks ago, dear friend, Barbara, commissioned me to make an crib quilt to give a new grandchild coming in January. She requested it be abstract/organic/sunflower/earthy theme. I invited Barbara to come over, and we went through my fabrics, and she chose all the above to be included, and to have them framed with brown. The back will be yellow with a tiny paw print design, and the binding will be a repeat of the brown. The front, as you see, is complete, and now it awaits a trip to the professional quilter. It was fun to do, and, at the same time, I cut enough squares to make a larger bed quilt with the same design.
Next up for sewing is to make the "Purple Rain" quilt from Jane Brocket's book, "The Gentle Art of Quiltmaking." I have been collecting a few purple fabrics through the years and have a special box saved for this will actually be two quilts, as one will be in "cool" shades, and the other, "warm"
Otherwise these days, I have been spending as much time as I can helping two friends who need a little extra support right now. My friend, Priscilla, about whom I wrote previously, has decided not to move away to live with her daughter in NH. She has signed up for senior housing in the next town to me, is hoping to move within a year. She remains compromised as to strength, so I try to help out as much as I can. She's an inspiration to me in her endurance, patience and conviction to stay in the town she loves as long as possible. Community has been somewhat elusive during my working years, and something, I am slowly cultivating again!
Hoping you've all had a wonderful summer!!