Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Kid on the Block

It seems my Baltimore family has gone over to the dark side (cats to dog) and adopted this handsome critter. Named, Tiger, he is about 6 months old and one large whirling dervish....he has 4 cats to chase and terrorize and lots to bark at, but he is very affectionate, and after some mistreatment in his first life, he has come to a very loving home.
Tiger was last seen turning round and round in circles on his mistress's bed, as he barked at a cowering cat, Rusty, in a bedtop corner. I have a feeling Rusty, who comes from a roughscrabble beginning, and is half the size of a normal cat due to early malnutrition, will rise to the occasion and take charge of Tiger soon with one claw swipe across his nose.
The sun is shining in my world this morning.....clean cool air and a sense of joy is creeping in around the edges.
Blogger is still erratic!


Anonymous said...

My goodness! Hello there Tiger! I love Brindle dogs. He is a Boxer I am going to say. Very cute little fellow. Cooper has been banished to the kitchen this morning for eating another book he stole off the shelf, and a toy car...he is very bad indeed. I think Madison and I are going to the movies this afternoon. Kung Fu Panda Glad things are looking up!! yeaaa!!...debbie

Judy said...

I love it when joy starts niggling at the edges of my world. I love it even more when I realize I am sitting in my chair, smiling for now reason and feeling so peaceful. Then I know--JOY IS BACK!!!

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

Wishing the Joy to continue...

Crosby Kenyon said...

Do you think the cats have a suspicion as to how the dervish gained entrance or that it simply exists? In other words, do you think they know who to blame?

MsGraysea said...

Crosby, I do think the perps in this case are in for some real trouble when they are found out by the resident felines!
Thanks, everyone else for stopping by! More four-legged fun to follow.

J said...

How cute!