Stepping out from lurking for years, to try my hand at my own blog.
Just a single and searching 63 year old woman, mother of three, living with her cat in a glorious seaside community on Cape Cod in MA, working at a job I love and enjoying nature.
I hope to just write a bit about my daily observations of the beauty around me, the antics of Ms. Graysea, and the joys and travails of family. I'm about to become a grandmother for the 5th time - It's a girl! I'm a sometimes knitter, former quilter, maker of bracelets and necklaces, and lover of fabric and color. I confess, to loving design and theory over practical application.
As I write the sunshine is dancing through the shadows of the trees outside my window and Ms. G is most amused, although she dearly wants to sit on top of this laptop and claim my attention from the keys.
Thanksgiving was a lovely day, celebrated with my brother and family on the South Shore. My 94 year old Dad, who lives with my brother, truly enjoyed the feast and all the guests. He is thriving since moving in with my brother almost a year ago. I spend a good deal of my weekends with Dad and we love to go exploring the backroads and find interesting places for lunch. There has been a lot of stress surrounding his move from his home of 50+ years but he's in a more accepting place right now. We all worried about him even though he is very capable, his legs have weakened and he was alone way too much. Ah, the sandwich generation! Our family is very blessed to have my brother and wife who opened their home to Dad. It cannot be easy for them on a daily basis. Dad now has two great cats who also give him lots of love on a daily basis. One in particular, Bob, is a manx who climbs up on Dad's lap and hugs him! I cannot help but think that all seniors should have a beloved pet for companionship and comfort. We laughingly call Bob "Mama in a cat suit". My Mom died several years ago and she was a dedicated cat lover.