Happy New Year 2019 to everyone. LM and I spent the past weekend talking about this blog's namesake, our dear departed, Ms G, and we began a long trip down memory lane, trying to remember just how Ms Graysea came to live with him so many years ago. From the time I began a relationship with LM in 2007, Ms G had been to his house to stay while I took trips, etc., and it was very obvious they had a very strong bond.
For some crazy reason, we had to know the date of her permanent move, and, knew the only place it could be was here in these years of writing. Hours passed, and finally, we found it....July of 2009, was when she moved from my then home in Chatham to live with her darling LM, in Harwich. His house, and my second home, is not the same without her.
Since shortly after she died in September 2017, we have had Ms G's ashes placed out of our sight. With her death having come the week before the very sudden death of my dear, dear son-in-law, David, in FL, the grief was all too much. We have debated about the ashes, and for now our only solution, is to place the little box, with a small amber cat sculpture atop, on the mantle in LM's living room. Said, mantle was crowded (read cluttered) with 12 Staffordshire coffee mugs adorned with fish (of course), AND, each one was filled with dozens of fishing lures and hooks. In between said mugs, were cards and a LOT of other fishing memorabilia. The day we decided this location for the ashes, LM cleaned off the mantle, and also the adjacent bookcase, and we made room for MS G. It looks nice and the fish print above is also moved, and replaced with a beautiful pastoral oil painting. I will get a new photo this week. We have made major progress in our grief, and are thinking of a new furry friend.....maybe.

Meanwhile back at my other home with Jason, Alison and Teddy, we have, nearly 2 years old, Bosley and Betty, and they are quite the dynamic duo. LM and I have decided the blog name should remain the same, in loyalty to our sweet girl. This all sounds a bit much, but at our age, we are giving ourselves the right to be cat and grandchildren sappy.
Betty is very attached to Alison and Teddy and Boz to me. He is almost always where I am, and loves to cuddle. His addiction to hair elastics is crazy, and he is always opening drawers or coming to the back of my chair to try taking one right off my head!
Catching up a bit with a few photos from Christmas. We hosted a lot of family - mine and LM's- here on Christmas Eve day. Alison and I did all the cooking and really enjoyed having everyone together.
son, Jason, Teddy and Alison
(f) LM's family daughter, Meg, and her son, Ollie, LM, Kristi
(r) son, John
Richie, Sara and Samantha (my daughter, son-in-law and their daughter, 12)
Moi et LM
We love this spot for Christmas photos, as we can capture the tree in my grandmother's mirror.
Before this current arctic blast we are having here, LM went shellfishing with a friend, and brought home some fantastic oysters. We transformed them to Oysters Rockefeller and they were swoon-worthy. We kept reminding ourselves how fortunate we are to have such perfect food so available.
Ready for the oven! (placed bacon atop a few)
This feast was accompanied by some chowder, made from quahogs, also harvested with the oysters. Perfection for us Cape Codders.
Leaving you with peace, love and gratitude!!💖😻