Monday, September 17, 2018

Let's Try This Again -

The car is just about packed up, we (LM et moi) are going to try to get a few hours sleep, and the road will be ours by 3 am tomorrow!  Canada, here we come, FINALLY!  My sister, Margaret, and daughters await us in Waterloo.

I am going to make every effort to chronicle our trip here, as it is the easiest way to make sure all the friends and family can come along.

Bosley did his best to help with packing, or should I say interfered with the process.  He was running back and forth in my bedroom, rooting and rolling in each bag, in between jumping to the top of my headboard and digging in with his claws.  Here he asks, "who me?  I am not doing anything wrong."

I left Boz with a big kiss and snuggle this morning. He is such a wonderful furry friend.

 We are taking our favorite route to, crossing in to Canada at Cape Vincent, NY and taking the tiny ferry to Wolfe Island, then another ferry to Kingston, Ontario.  We have the remnants of hurricane Florence heading up to NE , but I think we will make it out of town before she hits.

Be back tomorrow from Napanee, Ontario, our stopover place for the first night.  Meanwhile, here are a few recent photos....
 Boz gazing at me through the bottom of my water bottle.  He is the craziest cat ever.

 A drive around our local cranberry bog country (Wareham, MA) last Sunday. Thought these two photos capture the colors of the area perfectly. The little building is adjacent to a bog and is a utility shed.  The plants below are Joe Pye weed and bloom profusely in low-lying areas here in the Fall.  They become VERY tall.

'Night, 'night time  - 3am is looming.

Peace, Love and Joy to all!!