First....a word from Ms. Graysea to say she is fine shape now that she exercises everyday with her very own personal trainer! She drags that wire toy to me when I get on the bike and INSISTS that I play with her. She also brings it to me when I am trying to sleep.
Now on to my March miracles!

We were all ready to welcome Samantha home from the hospital on Sat, March 3, but that was all rudely interrupted by a major health crisis for Sara. At 6 am still at the hospital and nursing the baby, Sara had a major grand mal seizure and heart failure. For 4 long days, Sara was on life support and it was unknown what the outcome would be for her. She was med-flighted from Cape Cod Hospital to Boston where more intensive cardiac care was available and a large contingent of family waited out those days in suspended disbelief....waited and waited. Finally on the 5th day Sara came off life support and was able to speak with us and be told what happened. After a joyous few hours, Sara retreated into a near catatonic state and we all were returned to an abject state of fear but dear Richie somewhere found the faith to tell us all that she would be OK. Her brain just overwhelmed. Even the Dr's did not know, but Richie sat by Sara's side, held her hand and assured her that we all loved her and it was OK to rest. In an agonizingly slow manner, Sara came back to us and then in several days we were able to bring the baby to Boston, with the help of my son's incredibly loving wife, Alison. When Sara was able to hold Samantha we were all overcome. Such joy! Within a few more days, Sara was home and on her way to recovery and fully involved in motherhood again after what seemed an eternity.
This event brought Sara's two other children, long estranged from her, back to us all again and it is indeed a miracle. Sara's Dad, and wife came from FL and I was so so comforted by all the love around me....they are dear friends. My beloved co-worker, Nancy took over loving Ms. Graysea each day and giving her ample amounts of Whiskas Temptations..I am so blessed to work with such great people.
This event brought Sara's two other children, long estranged from her, back to us all again and it is indeed a miracle. Sara's Dad, and wife came from FL and I was so so comforted by all the love around me....they are dear friends. My beloved co-worker, Nancy took over loving Ms. Graysea each day and giving her ample amounts of Whiskas Temptations..I am so blessed to work with such great people.
After Sara came home, daughter, Anne, came from FL to be with us for a week and that was such a joy and comfort, too.
We are all so relieved.....Easter will be more joyous than usual this year!
We are all so relieved.....Easter will be more joyous than usual this year!
Cape Cod is still in winter but beautiful....flowers are beginning to bloom here and there....snowdrops and crocuses so far. A beautiful walk in a conservation area last weekend yielded an evening grosbeak and a butterfly which followed the entire 3 miles!
Gotta run, Ms. G is eating a plastic bag again....she really needs Plastic Bag Eaters Anonymous!!
Gotta run, Ms. G is eating a plastic bag again....she really needs Plastic Bag Eaters Anonymous!!