Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I really want to stay home and rest today.  Allergies have me low, at least that is where I choose to place the blame for my current malaise. 
Dog sitting ended last Sunday for awhile.  I will have a new little dog come to stay with me for a week at the end of the month while her parents are in Paris.  Good thing Ms G was purloined by LM. She would not be happy to have another woman of the canine type sharing her house.

Since the last company left, after a very fun and full visit, I've been catching up on sewing and preparation for some winter projects.  I've been so inspired by the progress that my "students" have made recently. 

There are lots of pictures and stories to post but with Blogger issues, I am lucky to get this much typing in before it all disappears, never mind post the pictures. What happened to my wonderful Blogger that made it so easy to write so many posts in the past? I cannot help but wonder if it could not keep up with the changes to Windows...I've gone from Windows 2000 to Windows7...alas, maybe it's me that has not made the change well.  Research is beckoning.

Off to work....just wanted to leave a little message to  let you all know I am here and basically well.

Love to all.


Judy said...

I think it might be more of a Windows 7 problem--I had to uninstall mine and go back to Windows XP and I have absolutely no problems with blogger. I think this grey weather we are having as an ill effect on our allergies and moods--I know I have been draggy for a couple of days.

Anonymous said...

I have Windows XP and have some problems with Blogger. I think it's probably our local hookups...heck if I know for sure.It is very dreary here. Chilly. Sweat shirt - jean weather.
The Pool people called. Not coming till tomorrow at 1:30. Imagine that. Thanks for the binding info. I cut out the binding and the backing and it's ready for the quilter now. When I pick up Madison from the bus, that's shere we're going. I'm starting one for my DIL next. Already have the material. It's fally material. She loves bright colors and black so this seems appropriate. It's layer cake material by Moda. very colorful and bright! I ordered some material for Kelly's lap quilt today. It's red,browns, tans, greens - right down her alley. It's Moda too. Today has been a long day. Hope it's going fast for's only 1:50 - guess I'll get some soup before Madison gets off the bus...debbie

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

The allergy problem I am sharing with you.
Did a stupid thing.
Cutting in the dry dry woods.
That is what brought mine on.
Almost felt like I had the flu
over the weekend.
Retirement and I never stop.
Need to rethink all I am doing :)